black crappie
black crappie

Black Crappie


Specifications Chart

Size Price
3.5-5" $3.29 ea.
5-7" $9.99 ea.

BLACK CRAPPIE (Pomoxis nigromaculatus)

ALIAS: Papermouth, speck, calico bass

IDENTIFICATION: Characterized by 7-8 dorsal spines, deep body, mottled head, back and sides, and upturned snout.

DIET: Insect larvae, fathead minnows, golden shiner minnows and other small fish. 

SPAWNING: When water temperatures are 60-65̊F, black crappie broadcast their eggs onto shallow submerged structures.

FISHING TIPS: Live baits such as fathead minnows or small jigs tipped with minnows work well. Target submerged brush and stumps.

  100 fish per acre stocking rate is recommended.

States We Are Licensed to Sell To

Ohio | Indiana | Kentucky | Tennessee | Pennsylvania | West Virginia