BROODER GOLDEN SHINER MINNOWS (Notemigonus crysoleucas)
ALIAS: Arkansas shiner, shiner minnows
IDENTIFICATION: The brooder golden shiner minnow is a larger, more reproductively mature golden shiner minnow. Brooder shiner minnows are often used for forage enhancement, supplemental stocking and fishing for larger predators.
DIET: Zooplankton, crustaceans and small insects.
SPAWNING: Spawning starts in late April or May and continues through early summer. Females will deposit their eggs onto vegetation or artificial structure and then abandon the nest site.
FISHING TIPS: Anglers often consider golden shiner minnows to be one of the most popular live-bait options when fishing for trophy largemouth bass.
Brooder Golden Shiner Minnows
BROODER GOLDEN SHINER MINNOWS (Notemigonus crysoleucas)
ALIAS: Arkansas shiner, shiner minnows
IDENTIFICATION: The brooder golden shiner minnow is a larger, more reproductively mature golden shiner minnow. Brooder shiner minnows are often used for forage enhancement, supplemental stocking and fishing for larger predators.
DIET: Zooplankton, crustaceans and small insects.
SPAWNING: Spawning starts in late April or May and continues through early summer. Females will deposit their eggs onto vegetation or artificial structure and then abandon the nest site.
FISHING TIPS: Anglers often consider golden shiner minnows to be one of the most popular live-bait options when fishing for trophy largemouth bass.