Channel Catfish
Specifications Chart
Size | Price |
4-5" | $1.49 ea. |
6-8" | $2.49 ea. |
8-10" | $4.49 ea. |
CHANNEL CATFISH (Ictalurus punctatus) are commonly stocked in ponds and lakes for recreational fishing due to their rapid growth, large size, and strong fighting ability, which make them popular among anglers.
ALIAS: Spotted cat, fork tail, speckled, fiddler
IDENTIFICATION: Scaleless, slender fish with deeply forked tail, and barbels around the mouth. Back and sides are dark gray-blue; belly is white. Sharp spines in pectoral and dorsal fins.
DIET: Crayfish, sunfish, small fish, insects, commercial fish food and anything they can scavenge.
HABITAT: Channel catfish thrive in slow-moving rivers, reservoirs, and lakes with deep, soft-bottomed areas and abundant cover.
SPAWNING: Late-May to July when water temperatures are 70-75°F. Nests are constructed in natural cavities and overhangs.
FISHING TIPS: Being a bottom feeder, catfish are often caught on nightcrawlers, chicken livers, sunfish, fathead minnows and golden shiner minnows. They feed most actively at night and in the early morning.
50 fish per acre stocking rate is recommended.