Microbe-Lift Autumn/Winter Prep
Microbe-Lift Autumn/Winter Prep is a 2-part program engineered to provide you with the most effective method of winter pond maintenance available today.
- Will continue to provide sustained biological activity in water temperatures below 55°F
- Helps jump-start your pond to a healthier environment in the spring
- Helps fish maintain a healthy immune system during the winter
- Reduces buildup of dead leaves and organic sediment all winter long
- If frozen, the bacteria will remain effective after thawing out
- Effective in darker conditions (under ice and snow)
Each box contains: (1) Qt. Microbe-Lift/AP, and (4) 2 oz. water soluble packets with a high cellulase producing bacteria and a low temperature bacteria.
For best results, use 4 applications, one month apart. Start your winter maintenance program in early fall. This will give the bacteria and cellulase enzyme sufficient time to acclimate themselves before the winter freeze.