Redear Sunfish
Specifications Chart
Size | Price |
2-3" | $1.59 ea. |
3.5-5" | $3.79 ea. |
REDEAR SUNFISH (Lepomis microlophus) are often stocked in lakes and ponds to help control mollusk populations, particularly snails. They are also popular among anglers for their strong fight and valuable size, making them a sought-after species for recreational fishing.
ALIAS: Shellcracker, stump knocker, yellow bream, cherry gill, chinquapin
IDENTIFICATION: A deep sided fish with a black ear flap rimmed in red or orange. Specially modified teeth in the throat allow them to crack mollusk shells.
DIET: Snails and other mollusks are preferred, but diet also consists of crayfish, insects, insect larvae and fathead minnows.
HABITAT: Redear sunfish prefer freshwater lakes, ponds, and slow-moving rivers with clear water and sandy or gravelly bottoms. They are commonly found near submerged structures like rocks and vegetation. These fish thrive in areas with moderate clarity and temperatures.
SPAWNING: Mid-May through mid-summer when water temperatures are above 65°F. Nests are constructed in 1 to 4’ of water on firm sand and gravel bottoms.
FISHING TIPS: Live baits such as red worms, wax worms and fathead minnows work best.
400-600 fish per acre stocking rate is recommended.