Solar-Powered Fish Feeder
Solar Powered Fish Feeder is carefully engineered and designed with reliable and convenient performance features, making this fish feeder the clear choice among pond management professionals and pond and lake owners across America. Utilizing a high velocity air stream to project feed pellets into the water, this feeder delivers a wedge-shaped feed pattern 45 feet in length by 20 feet in width. The EZ Set Digital Timer controls a specially engineered dual motor system. A metered flow of feed is introduced directly into the air blower assembly, eliminating the need for problematic augers, solenoids or shut-off gates.
- Two built-in sight gauges
- Commercial-grade motor
- Hunter green finish
- Solar panel sold separately
Optional Solar Panel utilizes the free energy from the sun to maintain the charge and extend the life of your battery. *Designed and recommended for all Directional Fish *Feeders
- Heavy-duty 2 Watt Power
- Mounts on any side of feeder to maximize sun's energy
- Free sun energy extends battery life and maintains charge
- Connects directly to the timer of any Texas Hunter feeder