GOLDEN SHINER MINNOWS (Notemigonus crysoleucas)
ALIAS: Arkansas shiner, shiner minnows
IDENTIFICATION: Golden shiner minnows are deep bodied fish with small, upturned mouths that make excellent largemouth bass bait.
DIET: Zooplankton and phytoplankton.
SPAWNING: Spawning occurs multiple times during the spring and early summer once temperatures reach 68̊ F. They broadcast adhesive eggs over submerged structure; their spawn success can be increased by the addition of artificial structures.
FISHING TIPS: Shiners are excellent live bait, especially for largemouth bass and larger gamefish.
40+ lbs. per acre stocking rate is recommended.
Golden Shiner Minnows
GOLDEN SHINER MINNOWS (Notemigonus crysoleucas)
ALIAS: Arkansas shiner, shiner minnows
IDENTIFICATION: Golden shiner minnows are deep bodied fish with small, upturned mouths that make excellent largemouth bass bait.
DIET: Zooplankton and phytoplankton.
SPAWNING: Spawning occurs multiple times during the spring and early summer once temperatures reach 68̊ F. They broadcast adhesive eggs over submerged structure; their spawn success can be increased by the addition of artificial structures.
FISHING TIPS: Shiners are excellent live bait, especially for largemouth bass and larger gamefish.
40+ lbs. per acre stocking rate is recommended.