ROSY RED MINNOWS (Pimephales promelas) are often stocked for their striking rosy hue. This bright appearance contrasts nicely in lakes and ponds. They're also popular for their adaptability to a range of pond and lake conditions.
ALIAS: Rosy reds, rosies, pink tuffies
IDENTIFICATION: A light-orange to pink color variation of the traditional fathead minnow that has a darkened midline running the length of its body, a small mouth and a darkened spot at the base on the dorsal fin.
DIET: Zooplankton and phytoplankton.
SPAWNING: Once water temperatures reach 64°F, rosy red minnows reproduce from spring until fall. This extended period of reproduction yields high numbers of offspring and provides excellent forage for the predators within the pond.
TIPS: A twice per year supplemental stocking may be necessary to maintain a population.
20+ lbs. per acre stocking rate is recommended.
Rosy Red Minnows
ROSY RED MINNOWS (Pimephales promelas) are often stocked for their striking rosy hue. This bright appearance contrasts nicely in lakes and ponds. They're also popular for their adaptability to a range of pond and lake conditions.
ALIAS: Rosy reds, rosies, pink tuffies
IDENTIFICATION: A light-orange to pink color variation of the traditional fathead minnow that has a darkened midline running the length of its body, a small mouth and a darkened spot at the base on the dorsal fin.
DIET: Zooplankton and phytoplankton.
SPAWNING: Once water temperatures reach 64°F, rosy red minnows reproduce from spring until fall. This extended period of reproduction yields high numbers of offspring and provides excellent forage for the predators within the pond.
TIPS: A twice per year supplemental stocking may be necessary to maintain a population.
20+ lbs. per acre stocking rate is recommended.