Smallmouth Bass
Specifications Chart
Size | Price |
3-4" | $13.99 ea. |
5-7" | $17.99 ea. |
SMALLMOUTH BASS (Micropterus dolomieu)
ALIAS: Bronzeback, brownie, smallie, bronze bass
IDENTIFICATION: Similar in appearance to largemouth bass, but the lower jaw does not extend past the back part of the eye. Though color varies from bronze to olive-green, adults have vertical bands along their body.
DIET: Amphibians, crayfish, fish and insects.
SPAWNING: Early-March to mid-May when water temperatures are 55-65̊ F. Nests are constructed in 1 to 4’ of water on firm sand and gravel bottoms.
FISHING TIPS: Artificial lures and live baits such as crayfish and fathead minnows are popular for smallmouth bass in the late spring.